Thursday, 25 September 2014

Brand Management of Multinational Companies: Selected FMCG Products in India & Thailand

Title: Brand Management of Multinational Companies: Selected FMCG Products  in India & Thailand
Author: Sunildro L.S. Akoijam
ISBN:  978-93-82395-74-4
Language: English
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2015
Category: Management

About the Book:
Brand Management has become more important due to the rapid changes in the global market and the increased competition experienced between firms. Good brand management brings about clear differentiation between products, ensures consumer loyalty and preferences and may lead to a greater market share. Brands are highly regarded as an important source of capital for most businesses. The term brand has different meaning attached to it; a brand can be defined as a name, logo, symbol and identity or a trademark. A powerful brand will enhance a customer’s attitude strength of the product association of a brand. Attitude strength is developed by experience with the product. 
Brand name and what a brand stands for are the core values for most fast Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs). If properly managed, it will increase the competitive advantage of the fast moving consumer goods. The basic attribute of a fast moving consumer goods are also important for a FMCG brand to excel  because the strength of a brand commonly provide the fundamental steps for differentiating between several competitors. Majority of the FMCG brands have distinguishable brand identifiers, for example Lux soap is easily recognized by customers. The best way to build brand value and stop product and service commoditization is through continuous attempt to build brand equity. Strong brands are established by creating an emotional attachment with customers, seeking differentiation in communication and performing the service. Branding makes clear a FMCG company’s reason for existence and inspires its employees to get used to the brand thereby building it for customers. Brands are used as shorthand to make trips to the grocery store easier; they are used to re-assure us about purchasing decisions and are even used to define ourselves in the society. A brand is a promise. With a brand, customer expectations are set. When someone buys a product or service, they count on those expectations to be fulfilled. In this way, an effective brand management is coming important for every company.

About the Author:
Dr. Sunildro L.S. Akoijam is currently an Assistant Professor in area of Marketing and Strategy at Department of Management, North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Tura Campus. He has more than 4 years of teaching experiences at the PG level in the Universities. Before joining NEHU, he was working at the Institute of Management Studies, Kurukshetra University. He did his MBA from Amity University, Uttar Pradesh and PhD. from Manipur University. He is a UGC-JRF (NET) qualified scholar. He has presented several research papers and case studies in various International and National Seminars and Conferences. He has also participated in various Workshops, Faculty Development Programmes, short term certificate courses and academic related activities organized by Premier Management Institutes in different parts of the country and abroad. His research papers have been published in various referred International and National Journals. He is a member of esteemed management associations like All India Management Association (AIMA), Rural Marketing Association of India (RMAI), Delhi Management Association (DMA), International Society for Development & Sustainability, Japan, The Society for Management Education, Kurukshetra etc. He is associated with various National and International Journals including Emerald (UK), Journal of Reviews on Global Economics (Canada) etc. as an Editorial board member or reviewer. He has also organized several academic activities like Seminars, Conferences, Symposium, FDPs, Workshops and Management Fest.

Ethno Rock Art: A Case Study of Kaimur, Bihar

Title: Ethno Rock Art: A Case Study of Kaimur, Bihar
Author: Sachin Kumar Tiwary
Foreword: S.C. MALIKU.G.C. Research Scientist Professor in Anthropology
Commentary: PROF. J. N. PALFormer Head Department Of Ancient History Culture & Archaeology, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Fernando Coimbra, PhD
Visiting Professor in Master of Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Internal researcher Quaternary and Prehistory Unit, Center for Geosciences, University of Coimbra
ISBN: 978-93-82395-73-7
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English
First Edition: 2016
Category: Archaeology, Heritage Study

About the Author:
Sachin Kr. Tiwary, PhD. is currently working as an Assistant Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India, Ministry of Culture, Sarnath Circle, Sarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. He has done MA from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, PhD from A.I.H. and Archaeology Department, Patna University.

About the Book:
The book “Ethno Rock Art: A Case Study of Kaimur, Bihar” is a work, which largely depends on field exploration in the study area. Ethno rock art is one of the neglected disciplines of Indian Archaeology. In this work apart from the brief about the rock art of Kaimur, a detail attempt has been made to interpret them taking clue from ethno-archaeological evidences.

The collection of information started from a wide review of books and articles published on the Kaimurian rock art; researches about the occupants of those territory through the ages and the survey of specific data about their ethno art. As far as the research on rock art of Kaimur region (Bihar) is concerned, unfortunately only two articles are written on this regional rock art.

The work almost redefines the concept of origin and purpose of rock art and offers an extensive and all-inclusive classification of the rock art without hesitating to coin new terms for certain classes that were hitherto accommodated under groups which they were not conveniently belonging to on the basis of features and typology. Further, the contemporary lifestyles of the native habitants have been deeply observed for the first time revealing connectivity with the tradition may be with some modification of the prehistoric man and leading us to the belief that the social moorings of the present society extend to that by gone era.

The result of present book will elevate the Kaimur rock art on the national or even international level and that now the rock art researches from far off regions or nations may now turn to this region as one of the resource centres of filed observation.

Friday, 12 September 2014

The Salt: Luminescently Cooked

Title: The Salt: Luminescently Cooked
Author: Dr. A. Nabachandra Singh
ISBN: 978-93-82395-72-0
Language: English
Category: Chemistry
First Edition: January, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:
Thermally stimulated luminescence (TSL), generally known as thermoluminescence (TL) may be considered to be the flagship method of all Thermally Stimulated Processes (TSPs). An enormous amount of energy and intellectual effort has been expended for the last seven decades since the pioneering works of Randall and Wilkins, Garlic and Gibson and others to extract model parameters from TL glow peaks. Despite major success in the understanding of the process of TL, this goal still remains one of the most difficult jobs to attain. The basic difficulty lies in the inherent “degeneracy” of the analytical results in that more than one set of parameters and often, more than one model, can yield theoretical curves which fit the experimental ones with acceptable accuracy.

Extracting model parameters is not the only worthwhile goal of TL studies. As for example, successful applications of this phenomenon have been made in:
i) Dosimetry of natural and artificial radiation fields i.e. in medical physics, radiation protection, archeo- and geochronology etc.
ii) Dating of natural and artificial samples which had been buried under for a long time.

The heart of the dosimetry is the integration of a relevant glow peak or a part of the glow curve. Since glow curves are in general complex, consisting of a number of glow peaks (including unstable ones) in addition to the one useful for dosimetry. Thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD) workers often used suitable pre-heat treatment or fading for few days to remove the unwanted, unstable signal. In addition, background also causes hindrance for weak signal. In order to overcome these, the community of TLD workers have resorted to Computerized Glow Curve Deconvolution (CGCD), which is essentially fitting the glow peaks to the numerically generated one.

Around the world, four methods have been broadly categorized for extracting/refining salt (Scientific name as Sodium Chloride with symbol NaCl). They may be summarized as follows:-
Ø   refining of common salt through natural way.
Ø   from mineral rock-salt of the crust
Ø   by heating saline water.
Ø   by chemical method
Natural salts available in Manipur (India) in different forms from different sources i.e. from rock-salt of the crust as well as from saline springs have been characterized and studied the TL properties to find the dosimetry properties.

Radiation therapy is an important technique for the treatment of cancer. The intention of this work is to provide all the fundamental tools necessary to characterize and embark upon the application f TL in dosimetry using natural salt that could be compared to dosimetric materials like common iodised salt (NaCl : I), which is non-toxic and easily available.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Democratic Institutions without Democratic Politics

Title: Democratic Institutions without Democratic Politics
Author: Dr. Dhanabir Laishram
ISBN: 978-93-82395-71-3
Language: English
Category: Political Science, North East Study
First Edition: January, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Author:
Dr. Dhanabir Laishram is a Guest Faculty Member, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) (Regional Centre Manipur). He is working as an Associate Professor in Regional College and former Guest Faculty Member, Dept. of Political Science, Manipur University. He, born in 1954, hails from the unique village of Thongju in Manipur.

He has travelled widely. In 1977 he participated in the Working Groups for Indigenous People at the United Nations in Geneva. He participated in the working groups again in 1999 and 2000. He got ESPERANTO learning in 2001 in Netherlands. He went to Thailand in 2001 and Shan states in Myanmar in 2005 to study genesis of Tai people. He is a member of Universal Esperanto Association, Netherlands. He was also one of the members of NEPI (North East People Initiative).

Dr. Dhanabir Laishram has published seven books and several articles on various aspects of North East India in national and international journals. He is also very popular permanent columnist of "The Poknapham" and "The People's Chronicle."

Fundamentals of Microbiology

Title :  Fundamentals of Microbiology Authors: Saikat Mukherjee & Senjam Sunil Singh ISBN: 978-81-941226-7-8 First Edition: 2025 Binding...