Thursday, 12 December 2013

The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience: 1934-’56

Title: The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience: 1934-’56
Author: Dr. Kandukuri Ramesh
ISBN: 978-93-82395-27-0
Foreword: Prof. Adapa Satyanarayana (Retd), Department of History, Osmania University, Hyderabad; & Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) Politburo Member, M.P. (Rajya Sabha)
First Edition: 2014
Binding: Hard Cover
Category: History

About the Author:
Dr. Ramesh Kandukuri has M.A. History, M. Phil., PhD., M.A. English, M. Ed., M. Sc. Psychology, PGDHR. He is Deputy Director in University Grants Commission, New Delhi. His research interests are Modern Indian History and Education. His experiences, apart from being a popular teacher in history include Principal in Central Govt. run Navodaya Schools. He has worked in various states in India visited Japan on Secondary Educators study programme. He has been conferred with National awards such as: National Literacy Mission Award and NCERT Award for Innovative practices in Classroom Teaching and commendations for his bold and successful schooling and Administrative initiatives. He has Published, dozen Research Papers and Articles in National and International Journals and News Papers.

About the Book
Why and how the then Left Movement got into deep roads in Andhra (present residuary Andhra Pradesh State/erstwhile part of Madras Presidency) during 1930s-50s and how young Andhrites got attracted towards Communist ideology is a subject matter of academic interest. The main thrust of the book is on the objectives, ideological and political hegemony of the Leftist parties, their programmes and tactics both within and outside the National Liberation Movement in modern Andhra during 1934-1956. This book unfolds multiple movements of anti-feudalism and anti-imperialism. This book of about 320 pages consisting of eight chapters, select bibliography and index is an elaborate account of the various facets of the Left Movement in Andhra and thus a welcome addition to the growing literature of the history of people’s movement from a subaltern perspective.

In this book, the author, Dr Kandukuri Ramesh has provided a critical account of the theory and practice of the Leftist parties on the basis of published and unpublished Government reports as well as Communist Party papers/documents. His analysis is quite balanced and objective, as it was based on a critical yet sympathetic approach adopted in analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Communist Movement in Andhra during the period 1934-1956. It is concluded that, the historic contribution of the Andhra Left was possible because of the hard work, devotion, sincerity, commitment, and sacrificing nature of the rank and file of the Communist Party. The Andhra Provincial Communist Party was a pioneer in the radicalization of ideology and building a sustained movement against feudalism, capitalism and colonialism. It is understood that “The Communists’ dedication, initiatives and tremendous energy in building its front organizations such as trade unions, students and youth organizations, peasant movements, cultural squads, literary unions were phenomenal and unparallel”. The author has set out to critically evaluate the gains and failures of the Leftist ideology, strategies, tactics forms of struggle, leadership and so on.

In the opinion of the scholar, the major weaknesses and failure of the party in Andhra was due to the factors like: incompatible ideologies, mismatching political goals, conflicting methods, divisions and fractions within the party, blind anti-Congress policies, robotic ideology, democratic centralism, prejudice and intolerance to dissent, lack of consensus, lack of functional autonomy, desertion of intellectuals, individual differences and the upper caste/class leadership, and lack of Left unity.

Andhra Communists had left Legacy of sterling values by instituting lofty ethics in public life, remained backbone of toiling classes, and champions of radical thinking yet love for identity.

Book Releasing Photos:
The book releasing function of "The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience 1934-56" on 31st March, 2014

Venue: Sundarayya Vigyana Kendram, Bagh Lingampally, Hyderabad


  1. I am eagerly looking forward to read this book. I hope it will be a better opportunity to avail some insights into the history. Please publish the availability details.

  2. This book may enlighten the people about the "need for formation of AP (in those days)".

  3. this book may enlighten the people about the "need for formation of AP (in those days)".

  4. Definately it will be great experience and knwoledge worhty to read this book because of current scenario of Andhra which might corelate with history...I am eager to read this book..!!

  5. It gives me immense pleasure to know about this publication. It is going to be a landmarking book for the readers. I wish a grand success and innumerable readers. I will share this news with all the teachers in my school.Thanks.

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