Friday, 11 December 2015

An Anthology of Historical Essays

Title: An Anthology of Historical Essays
ISBN: 978-93-82395-87-4

Editor: Prof. Salam Irene
First Edition: 2016
Language: English
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.

Category: History
Binding: Hardcover

About the Book:
The book itself is an amalgam of different histories and different perspectives on history. Most of the contributors have adopted an inter-disciplinary approach, especially apparent in the articles on divinity and possession, as also that on environmental history.
As Manipur is still a pre-dominantly agrarian society, two of the articles deal with agriculture and the land-holding system. The Art of pottery is an ancient craft, and there is an illuminating article on Ethno-Archaeology with its focus on pottery. Two of the articles focus on the Muslims of Manipur who assimilated in Manipuri society to such a degree that they were known as Pangal Meiteis. One of the articles is on women as and Gender. Studies now occupies a prominent place in history. There is another article on women of different communities of Manipur.

Many papers contain elements of symbolism, especially concerning the passage of rites and the cosmogony of the Loktak Lake. Other papers refer to the origin of people viz. the Tangkhul Nagas and Vaipheis and also incorporate elements of primeval religion. Another important paper deals with information gleaned from the Royal Chronicle of Manipur. There is also an interesting article on the evolution of print journalism in Manipur, and another on the oft repeated story of carving an image of Shri Govindjee on a uprooted jackfruit tree of Kaina.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Anthropometry of the Meitei Women Athletes of Manipur

Title: Anthropometry of the Meitei Women Athletes of Manipur
Author: Hijam Sorojini Devi
ISBN: 978-9382395867
Language: English
First Edition: 2016
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book
Every community has a history of games and sports in the form of indigenous nature. In the earlier days, sports were associated with human culture and it was a part of religious festivals. Games and sports has now been given a high status as it concerns about physical fitness, personal prestige as well as owing to various national and international competitions and the organisation of Olympic Games. The human physical structure or physique and its role in sports performance is a matter of importance. The realisation of the importance of the subject of Anthropometry, which is the sub-branch of Physical anthropology, perhaps grew considerably during the last a few decades. With the applied knowledge of this subject in the field of games and sports, we can assess the various physical structures of the athletes of various sports events. 
The present book entitled Anthropometry of the Meitei Women Athletes of Manipur deals with the various physical structures of the Meitei women athletes of 7 (seven) sports events of hockey, football, weight lifting, running, throwing, cycling and gymnastics.

About the Author
Dr. H. Sorojini Devi earned her master’s degree from Manipur University in 1986. She was awarded Ph.D from the same University in 2003 and thereafter, LLB from LMS Law College, Imphal in 2009. 

She is at present Reader and Associate Professor of D.M. College of Science, Imphal, Manipur. Besides, she has been engaged in independent research works and guiding research scholars.  She was awarded minor and major projects under the financial supports of University Grants Commission. She has published more than 15 research articles in Indian and International leading Journals. She is a casual talker in various programmes of All India Radio, Imphal, particularly, in live phoning programme and telling stories of the children programme. She has been engaged as resource person in the refresher courses and workshops organised by Department of Anthropology, Manipur University as well as for E-learning programme under EMMRC. She has participated in many seminars and conferences in various parts of India. She is an active member of many academic associations and also a member of Bar Council of Assam.

Her areas of interest are sports science, health and nutrition and human genetics. 

Monday, 24 August 2015

Is it really clean: Creating a WASH Index

Title: Is it really clean: Creating a WASH Index
ISBN: 978-81-922182-8-1
Authors: Paresh Kumar, Vijay Avinandan, Digambar Sharma, & Abhishek Sharma
First Edition: 2015
Language: English
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co. in association with "Sambodhi Research and Communications Private Limited"

About the Book:
The book titled, “Is it really clean? – Creating a WASH Index”, was initially rooted in the idea that available data on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) should be simplified for easier interpretation and comparison across study units. As a group of researchers engaged in monitoring and evaluating WASH interventions, we were faced with the issue that there were presently several indicators available to describe the WASH conditions of a certain area. However, there was no widely accepted single unit of measure/scale that could be used as a tool for units under study.
The period also coincided with the increasing focus of policy planners toward extending WASH services to the larger populace. While the central and state budget allocations for constructing drinking water facilities and improved toilets witnessed an increase, there was no robust method to monitor the actual impact caused by the interventions.
Hence the conception of WASH index was an amalgamation of multiple factors; need for robust yet simpler tool, gap in existing body of knowledge etc. Before the actual collection of data for creating the index, several rounds of discussions with sector experts and M&E specialists were held in order to chalk out the feasibility of the proposed concept. Pilot data for the index was subsequently collected across 49 districts of Uttar Pradesh on a statistically valid sample size.
While constructing the WASH index, we increasingly became aware of the diverse factors influencing WASH behaviour among communities. Though the index would provide a promising tool for effective and quick monitoring, it was felt that the Index would remain incomplete without a contextual understanding of the sector in India. It was visualised that providing a reader with a backdrop of events leading to the need for this tool, and possible linkages offered by the tool would be a more comprehensive read than statistical paper.
To arrive at the final index the methodology underwent several iterations under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Kultar Singh. Mr. Kultar Singh (CEO and Founder – Sambodhi Research and Communications) is also the author of “Quantitative Social Research Methods, Sage Publications (2007)”, and “Data Analysis using SPSS”, Sambodhi Research and Communications (2008)”. The contents and contextual literature was then reviewed by Mr. Depinder Kapur (Former Director, Programme and Advocacy, Oxfam India and present Secretary – India WASH Forum). The proof reading and text edits were done by Ms. Tilotamma Bhalla, presently a Lecturer in English, Delhi University.
The present book contributes to an evolving body of knowledge in the sector of WASH while keeping the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in view. Innovations have been used to visualize and convert reliable data in order to aid effective decision-making. The proposed score-card, is one among the many attempts being currently carried out by social researchers andimplementers across the globe, who aim to create an environment of effective concurrent monitoring methods for multi-faceted problems.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Small States in International Politics: A Case Study of Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka

Title: Small States in International Politics: A Case Study of Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka
Author: Sivananda Patnaik
ISBN: 978-93-82395-79-9
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2015
Language: English 
Binding: Hard Cover 

About the Book:
The Anglo-American tradition, which has dominated the discipline of International Relations Studies until recently, had an explicit discriminatory bias in favour of the analysis of the foreign policies of powerful and dominant states of the international system. This scholarly orientation has resulted in a substantial corpus of theoretical knowledge on various aspects of the foreign policies of dominant states. However, in the case of small states such orientation has been considerably weak or inadequate. With the dominant tradition having consciously neglected the study of the foreign policies of small states, there is a significant lack of theoretical literature on the foreign policies of these states. It can hardly be overemphasized that the absence of a scholarly perspective on the foreign policies of small states in the discipline has led to an inadequate and distorted understanding of international politics in general.

About the Author:
Mr. Sivananda Patnaik has done his M.Phil from JNU and Ph.D. from MS University Baroda. He has been teaching International Relations at MSU for almost 20 years.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Mass Media In Conflict Zones

Title: Mass Media In Conflict Zones Author: Ksh. Chitrabhanu Devi, Md. Raheijuddin Sheikh ISBN 978-93-82395-52-2 Binding: Hard Cover Language: English First Edition: 2015

About the Book:
Conflict is defined as a disagreement through which the parties involved perceived a threat to their needs, interest or concerns. It is also pursuit of incompatible goals which can intensify struggle between opposing forces, especially in the absence of collaborative problem-solving mechanism. In conflict situations, resources are mobilized to force the other party to change their behavior according to one’s own wishes. Mismanaged conflict turns into violence causing mass destruction. Conflict is the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. Conflict is a concept which explains many aspects of the social life such as social disagreement, conflicts of interests, and fights between individuals, groups or organizations. In political terms, “conflict” can refer to wars, revolutions or other struggles, which may involve the use of force as in the term armed conflict. Without proper social arrangement or resolution, conflicts in social settings can result in stress or tensions among stakeholders. When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its effect is often broader than two individuals involved, and can affect many associate individuals and relationships, in more or less adverse and sometimes even way.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

High Voltage Distribution System

Title: High Voltage Distribution System
Authors: Surbhi Jain , A K Tiwari
ISBN: 978-93-82395-98-0
Language: English
First Edition: June, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

Human Resource Management (HRM) in Service Sector

Title: Human Resource Management (HRM) in Service Sector
Author: Dr. Abhijaat Sahu, Dr. A K Tiwari
ISBN: 978-93-82395-95-9
Language: English
First Edition: June, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

Immediate Challenges in the Hill Areas of Manipur: Education, Economy, Social, and Political Realities

Title: Immediate Challenges in the Hill Areas of Manipur: Education, Economy, Social, and Political Realities
Editor: Dr Ng. Ngalengnam
ISBN: 978-93-82395-99-7
Language: English
First Edition: June, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:
The main objectives of this book “Immediate Challenges in the Hill Areas of Manipur: Education, Economy, Social, and Political realities are to find out what actually are the current problems in the hills Areas of Manipur and its possible ways to the solution. Finding out the topic, we considered these perspectives to be the most burning issues of the tribal societies of Manipur today. In fact, India is a democratic country, having all ideal objectives of liberty, freedom, secularism and equality of all. It is the largest democracy in the world. Manipur is one of its parts and it is visualized as a cooperative common wealth. As per 2011 census, the population of Manipur is 27, 21,756, out of which 10, 96, 532 is the population of the Hills. The Hills are inhabited by more than 35 officially recognised tribes. Though small the land, the problems being faced by its inhabitants on various issues are incomparable with the problems being faced by the people of other parts of the country. According to a report of the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), out of the 650 plus districts in the country, almost 250 districts are terror prone due to social, economic and education inequalities. The hill districts in Manipur are not exception to it. 

About the Editor:
Dr. Ng. Ngalengnam, a Tangkul Naga tribe from Tongou, Ukhrul District Manipur is teaching as Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus Manipur. He completed his Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in 2006, from Manipur University. He started his teaching career as a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at Pettigrew College, Ukhrul, Government of Manipur. Later in the year 2009, he joined in Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus Manipur.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Microfinance and Self Help Groups: A Non Financial Perspective

Title: Microfinance and Self Help Groups: A Non Financial Perspective
Author: Pandya Viral
ISBN: 978-93-82395-91-1
Language: English
Category: Management
First Edition: January, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:

Globally, poverty eradication has always been a priority in the agendas of the policy makers and development specialists. ‘Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger’ is one of the eight Millennium Development Goals set by United Nations. A large number of government and non-governmental organizations and international funding agencies have started many flagship programs to eradicate poverty using various strategies and instruments. Microfinance is one of the mechanisms by which the opportunity is provided to poor people who have been deprived from formal banking and have potential to uplift their vulnerable life. The mechanism gives poor people a boost to have own small scale economic activity that will help them to break the vicious circle of poverty.

Today, microfinance has been accepted as one of the very effective tools for poverty eradication. The tool works with different mechanisms in various countries depending on related socio economic parameters.  In India, among various models of credit delivery, Self Help Group is the most widely used mechanism. Majority of government, non-government agencies and banks have adopted the SHG model for their microfinance program. However, it is important to note that providing assistance in terms of credit to poor through accepted mechanism will not merely bring success. The core of microfinance is not to earn profit but to eradicate poverty. Hence, primarily it becomes very essential to ensure that the main objective of poverty alleviation has been attained and at the same time the system remains sustainable enough as an ongoing process instead of one time success and then perish.  To evaluate the impact of microfinance, various assessment tools have been developed. Similarly different methodologies have been adopted to measure the financial viability of delivery mechanisms including Self Help Group. However, it is observed that majority of analysis regarding sustainability of SHGs have been focusing upon only financial parameters of the mechanism. Very little focus has been given to equally important parameter that is non financial aspects. No doubt, financial viability is crucial for the success of microfinance delivery model but at the same time, non financial aspects, like organizational dynamics, especially - structure, framework and group attributes play very crucial role in sustainability of SHGs.

As the study of microfinance from various dimensions is still emerging and it has been observed that there is limited research carried out to understand non financial aspects responsible for sustainable development of SHGs in India. Therefore, the chief objective behind the study was to understand and analyze parameters responsible for sustainable development of SHGs.

The study has focused on two important factors: increasing importance of microfinance in today’s developmental agenda in government efforts and the dearth of literature of non financial sustainable aspects of SHGs in India. In the present study SHGs have been selected from various NGOs and government flagship programs as representative sample from all the ten talukas of Ahmedabad district. Primary data have been collected with the help of structured questionnaire by using non-probability sampling method. Total 316 respondents have been selected on the basis of judgmental sampling. The data has been duly compiled and analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics, independent sample t test and factor analysis.

The results of the analysis indicate that overall, the SHGs promoted by NGOs and government programs are relatively sustainable. However incorporation of some important aspects like cultivating & promoting habit of income generating activities and emphasis on systematic marketing activities in support will help the sector to generate the desirable benefits.

Training Acceptability & Effectiveness of Employees

Title: Training Acceptability & Effectiveness of Employees
Author: A K Tiwari, Neha Kandhari 
ISBN: 978-93-82395-92-8
Language: English
Category: Management
First Edition: January, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

SCADA Implementation and Automation of Sub-Stations

Title: SCADA Implementation and Automation of Sub-Stations
Author: Dr A K Tiwari, Dipti Thakre 
ISBN: 978-93-82395-94-2
Language: English
Category: Electrical Engineering
First Edition: January, 2016
Binding: Hard Cover

About the book :

The Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system is the heart of Distribution Management System (DMS) architecture. A Distribution SCADA system’s primary function is in support of distribution operations telemetry, alarming, event recording, and remote control of field equipment.The real-time data collected by the SCADA system is provided to the planning engineers for inclusion in the radial distribution line studies. As the distribution system continues to grow, the utility makes annual investments to improve the electric distribution system to maintain adequate facilities to meet the increasing load requirements.The use of the real-time data permits the planning engineers to optimize the annual capital expenditures required to meet the growing needs of the electric distribution system.The challenging issues for SCADA systems and projects today are not the same as they were a few years ago. Today, there is much more importance placed on integration, use of new communication and network technologies, access to information by more users, and other purposes. The book deals with challenging issues in SCADA implementation and substation automation. The book also presents in details the cost benefit analysis of SCADA. A separate discussion on improvement of distribution system reliability is also addressed in the book.

Sales Force Performance: The Impact of Incentive Payment Motivation Strategy

Title: Sales Force Performance: The Impact of Incentive Payment Motivation Strategy
Author: Dr Rakhi Bhattacharjee, Dr. A K Tiwari 
ISBN: 978-93-82395-96-6
Language: English
Category: Management
First Edition: January, 2015
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:
One of the most difficult tasks a sales manager faces is the motivation of a sales force. The diverse challenges of modern selling make this especially true. Salespeople may be scattered across a large geographical area; they may offer a broad product line to several diverse markets; their selling jobs are often technical and highly competitive; they may be part of a multifaceted sales team; and their expenses often represent a large portion of the company's marketing budget. Furthermore, many companies now have international sales forces whose composition adds even more complexity to the motivation challenge. Because salespeople's needs change as they move through the various stages of their careers, sales incentives and compensation must be adapted. 

Geographic Information System (GIS): Distribution System Load Flow Study

Title: Geographic Information System (GIS): Distribution System Load Flow Study
Author: Dr A K Tiwari, Poorva Gupta
ISBN: 978-93-82395-93-5
Language: English
Category: Electrical Engineering
First Edition: January, 2016
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:

The use of GIS in power system has greatly enhanced the efficiency in energy sector.   Analysis such as load flow, network planning, conductor reconfiguration, selection of outage areas, optimum path finding, the profile analysis, and the cost estimation can all be done using GIS. Electric utilities are realizing the benefits of GIS technology in the management of facilities for engineering, construction operations, and maintenance and services purposes. Problems of planning in distribution system can be solved by using GIS methods and specific techniques.For maximum value,  GIS should become an integrated application at the utility. Many business processes or systems are impacted by and dependent upon a reliable GIS, including field design or staking, outage management systems (OMS), outage management prediction, line personnel maps, system planning, electric system modeling, inventory systems, asset accounting, and others. This book presents GIS application in load flow analysis of electrical distribution sector. The practical case study and data are presented. The book also explain features of  GIS software. 

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Poverty Alleviation and Wage Employment

Title: Poverty Alleviation and Wage Employment
Author: Dr. Moirangthem Sanjoy Singh 
ISBN: 978-93-82395-90-4
First Edition: 2015
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English

About the Book:
Poverty eradication has been one of the most important objectives since the beginning of economic planning in India. Eradication of poverty through, overall monetary and social development by ensuring equitable access in resources and skills, as well as by widening the opportunities for useful employment to the poor sections of the society has been some of the objectives of economic planning in India. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. The Planning Commission, which is the nodal agency for estimating the number and proportion of people living below the poverty line at National and State levels, separately for rural and urban areas, make poverty estimates based on a large sample survey of household consumption expenditure carried out by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) after an interval of approximately five years. The 68th round of the NSSO (2011-2012), was based on a sample of 59,070 households in 7,391 villages and 41,602 households in 5223 urban blocks. 10 percent of the poorest of selected households live on Rs. 23.40 per day while their rural counterparts do with even less on Rs. 16.78 per day. The rate of growth of expenditure is lower in rural areas as the rural poor are known to depend more on non-traded items.
The book evaluates critically the existing theories and concept of impact assessment, analyses the socio-economic conditions of wages employment programmes, accesses whether wage employment programme has achieved its objectives of poverty eradication in India, etc.

About the Author: 
Dr. Moirangthem Sanjoy Singh is currently working as a Faculty at National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (Formerly DOEACC), Akampat, Imphal. He is a permanent resident of Kakching Khullen Moirangthem Leikai, Manipur. He completed M.Com. in 2009, and Ph.D. in 2014. He has teaching experiences of 2 years in both UG and PG. His areas of interest are in Entrepreneurship, Accounting and Finance, and Human Resource Management.

So far he has 15 Papers /Articles published in Journal/Book/Proceeding/Periodical, and participated in more than 17 seminars and conferences with and without presentation of papers. 

Thursday, 29 January 2015

An Introduction to Literary Criticism

Title: An Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory
Author: Prof. Gopal Sharma
ISBN: 978-93-82395-85-0
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2015
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English

Category: Literary Criticism

About the Book:
“An Introduction to Literary Criticism and Theory” is primarily intended to familiarize readers with the history of literary criticism and the issues central to it as a discipline, from Plato to the present, and also to give them some practical command of its interpretative methods. The book compresses the two-thousand year old history of Western Critical Thought from the Age of Antiquity to the Contemporary Theorists into six convenient units. The seventh unit of the book presents a number of “Critical Extracts”   to give the readers a practical introduction to most of the critical methods and then provide representative examples. A very handy and useful glossary is appended to help the readers to locate useful definitions and critical terms easily.

Report On Eastern Frontier Of British India (1835)

Title: Report on Eastern Frontier of British India (1835)
Author: Capt. R. Boileau Pemberton
ISBN: 978-93-82395-84-3
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2015
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English

Fundamentals of Microbiology

Title :  Fundamentals of Microbiology Authors: Saikat Mukherjee & Senjam Sunil Singh ISBN: 978-81-941226-7-8 First Edition: 2025 Binding...