Friday, 26 June 2015

Small States in International Politics: A Case Study of Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka

Title: Small States in International Politics: A Case Study of Foreign Policy of Sri Lanka
Author: Sivananda Patnaik
ISBN: 978-93-82395-79-9
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2015
Language: English 
Binding: Hard Cover 

About the Book:
The Anglo-American tradition, which has dominated the discipline of International Relations Studies until recently, had an explicit discriminatory bias in favour of the analysis of the foreign policies of powerful and dominant states of the international system. This scholarly orientation has resulted in a substantial corpus of theoretical knowledge on various aspects of the foreign policies of dominant states. However, in the case of small states such orientation has been considerably weak or inadequate. With the dominant tradition having consciously neglected the study of the foreign policies of small states, there is a significant lack of theoretical literature on the foreign policies of these states. It can hardly be overemphasized that the absence of a scholarly perspective on the foreign policies of small states in the discipline has led to an inadequate and distorted understanding of international politics in general.

About the Author:
Mr. Sivananda Patnaik has done his M.Phil from JNU and Ph.D. from MS University Baroda. He has been teaching International Relations at MSU for almost 20 years.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Mass Media In Conflict Zones

Title: Mass Media In Conflict Zones Author: Ksh. Chitrabhanu Devi, Md. Raheijuddin Sheikh ISBN 978-93-82395-52-2 Binding: Hard Cover Language: English First Edition: 2015

About the Book:
Conflict is defined as a disagreement through which the parties involved perceived a threat to their needs, interest or concerns. It is also pursuit of incompatible goals which can intensify struggle between opposing forces, especially in the absence of collaborative problem-solving mechanism. In conflict situations, resources are mobilized to force the other party to change their behavior according to one’s own wishes. Mismanaged conflict turns into violence causing mass destruction. Conflict is the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. Conflict is a concept which explains many aspects of the social life such as social disagreement, conflicts of interests, and fights between individuals, groups or organizations. In political terms, “conflict” can refer to wars, revolutions or other struggles, which may involve the use of force as in the term armed conflict. Without proper social arrangement or resolution, conflicts in social settings can result in stress or tensions among stakeholders. When an interpersonal conflict does occur, its effect is often broader than two individuals involved, and can affect many associate individuals and relationships, in more or less adverse and sometimes even way.

Fundamentals of Microbiology

Title :  Fundamentals of Microbiology Authors: Saikat Mukherjee & Senjam Sunil Singh ISBN: 978-81-941226-7-8 First Edition: 2025 Binding...