Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Abject Poverty of Odisha: The Way Out

Title: Abject Poverty of Odisha: The Way Out
Author: Dr. Saheb Sahu
ISBN: 978-93-82395-46-1
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the Book:
The literature in the area of poverty eradication is vast. The problems are varied and complex (nation to nation, region to region) and the proposed solutions are many. None of the solution is easy. In this book, the author has stated the problems and provided some solutions to the low Human Development Status of Orissa. Economic prosperity comes not from government programs but from entrepreneurial activities. Government of Orissa while felicitating the entrepreneurial activities of all Oriyas, should pay special attention to the bottom 50% who live below the national poverty guidelines. The book has outlined some of the measures keeping above goal in mind. 

Dating with River Terraces: Technique of Luminescence

Title: Dating with River Terraces: Technique of Luminescence 
Author: Bidyaswor Singh, Raheijuddin Sheikh, Nabachandra Singh, Nabadwip Singh
ISBN: 978-93-82395-47-8
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English
First Edition: 2016

About the Book:

Thermoluminescence (TL), Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating, collectively known as Luminescence dating has emerged as a technique by itself to directly determine the age not only of ancient pottery, bricks and terracotta but also the burial age of the main mineral constituents in unheated Quaternary Sediments. Luminescence dating has a proud history of association with archaeology, beginning almost more than half a century ago. Even since the pioneering work of Farrington Daniels (University of Wisconsin, USA) who in early 1950 suggested the possibility of using TL to date geological and archaeological age.
Fluvial deposits and landforms are important archives of river response to climate, tectonics and base level change and are commonly associated with archaeological sites. Unlike radiocarbon dating, the target material for luminescence dating (sands and silts) is nearly ubiquitous in fluvial deposits and the age range for luminescence spans the last glacial – interglacial cycle, a time period of interest to many Quaternary scientists. Recent advances in luminescence dating techniques and the development of single-grain (in the case of OSL) dating capabilities have now allowed fluvial deposits, and other deposits commonly afflicted with incomplete zeroing of the luminescence signal, to be dated. The application of luminescence dating to fluvial deposits is discussed with respect to its potential to provide important contributions to research in the fields of geomorphology, palaeo-seismology and archaeology.
It is very important to date the formation ages of terraces, because a terrace surface is a good datum of cart for evaluation of fault activity and uplift-subsidence. Fluvial sequences (terrace stair cases) represent archives of Quaternary paleoclimatic fluctuation and can serve as stratigraphical frameworks for geochronology and for correlation with other depositional environments. The need of a new method for terrace dating, as dating data of terraces whose ages are estimated to be 104-106 years are lacking also, have been solved by the introduction of a new dating method like TL, OSL and ESR dating. These new methods are advantageous as a lot of quartz grains are contained in sediments.

Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Issues And Perspectives

Title: Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsibility In India: Issues And Perspectives
Editor: Rajkumar Giridhari Singh
ISBN: 978-93-82395-88-1
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the book

The present book is a compilation of articles related to the study of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in India. In this book the issues from a number of different perspectives as a means of contributing towards the understanding and development of good corporate governance system and corporate social responsibility is attempted. This book can help in understanding the theoretical and practical insights into the issues of the corporate governance and corporate social responsibility and will be of assistance to practitioners and theoretical benefits to researchers, academics and students.
About the Editor 
Dr. Rajkumar Giridhari Singh holds a Ph.D in Commerce from Manipur University. He did his Post graduate (M.Com -Business Management) from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He is currently serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Mizoram University. He has a teaching experience of more than eight years to MBA students. He taught courses like Strategic Management, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. He has already authored a book entitled ‘Private Hospitals Management in India: A Strategic Perspective’ published by Ruby Press and Co., New Delhi in 2014. He has published his research papers in international and national journals. He also has attended many conferences and seminars held in the country.  Prior to his joining in Mizoram University he had worked in organization like the Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur, The Trident Hilton, Gurgaon and Shija Hospitals and Research Institute, Langol, Imphal. The author was awarded the prestigious Best Business Academic of the Year (BBAY) – Gold Medal in the year 2014 by Indian Commerce Association in its 67th AICC held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.

A Preliminary Approach on External Beam Radiotherapy and Phosphor based Cancer Therapy

  Title:  A Preliminary Approach on External Beam Radiotherapy and Phosphor based Cancer Therapy Authors:  L. Lovedy Singh & S. Nabadwip...