Monday, 16 May 2016

Portrayal of Indian Performing Arts

Title: Portrayal of Indian Performing Arts
Editor: Pukhrambam Lilabati Devi & Dr. M.S. Siva Raju
Language: English
First Edition: 2016
Binding: Hard Cover
Cover Design: TamoLai

Friday, 13 May 2016

Death: A Necessary End Will Come When It Will Come (Aging, Suicide, Palliative Care, Advance directive, Funeral, Grief)

Title: Death: A Necessary End Will Come When It Will Come (Aging, Suicide, Palliative Care, Advance directive, Funeral, Grief)
Author: Saheb Sahu, M.D.
ISBN: 9789382395898
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the Book

The word death comes from the Proto-Indo-European stern dheu-meaning the “Process, act, condition of dying.” Other socially accepted term for death are – expired, passed away, passed on or deceased. Deprived of life, the dead person is then referred as a corpse, a cadaver or a dead body. Death is the cessation of all biological function that sustains a living organism. Phenomena which bring about death include biological aging (Senescence), predation, starvation, disease, suicide, murder and accidents or trauma resulting in terminal injury.

Beginner’s Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility

Title: Beginner’s Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility
Author: Viral M. Pandya
ISBN: 978-93-82395-18-8
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the Book
Today, CSR has become a buzzword for corporate professionals and citizens across the world. In developed as well as developing world, the emphasis has been put a lot on social and environmental development. Along with the efforts of government machinery to take care of such issues, the responsibility of business house is as well expected as they deploy the society’s resources for earning profit. With this prime argument, CSR is increasing its spread across the globe and is well acknowledged. In short, this beginners’ handbook on CSR provides the fundamental understanding with strategic way of managing it and provides real life examples of best CSR practices. 

Terrain Evaluation And Land Use Planning

Title: Terrain Evaluation And Land Use Planning
Author: Lunghim Rongmei
ISBN: 978-93-82395-48-5
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the Book
Terrain evaluation is regarded as synonymous with mapping of land system, a procedure to classifying the landscape by dividing it into landform assemblage with similarities in terrain, soil, vegetation and geology (Mitchellet al., 1973). It is the complete appraisal of the capabilities and limitations of an area of ground in relation in a particular kind of land use (P.J.Beaven and C. J.Lawrence, 1973). Traditionally land use is usually controlled by the terrain condition and the choice of human being is limited by extreme land form system.

Adjustment and Academic Achievement

TitleAdjustment and Academic Achievement
Author: Ch. Beda Devi 
ISBN:  978-93-82395-41-6
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2017

About the Book
Adjustment is considered to be an important issue for every individual. In the life of an individual adjustment disorder can develop at any time, people are particularly vulnerable during their adolescence. This is the time people start facing real challenges in life.
The present study is an attempt to examine the nature of relationship between adjustment and academic achievement of secondary level tribal and non-tribal students of tribal dominated and non-tribal dominated districts. 
The knowledge of relationship between the variables under study and awareness about the role of socio-economic background, adjustment in academic achievement may be of importance to teachers, parents and guidance workers in modifying adolescents’ behaviour patterns.

About the Author

Dr.Ch. Beda Devi (b.1980) completed her Post Graduation, M.Ed. and Ph.D in Education from Assam University, Silchar. Her areas of interest are Educational Psychology and Special Education. She has published papers in national and international referred journals. Presently she is working as faculty in the Department of Education, Manipur University, Canchipur.

Women in Entrepreneurship

TitleWomen in Entrepreneurship
Editor: Prof. Elangbam Nixon Singh
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2016

About the book
Women, in the twenty first century, are considered by sociologists and Government as equal partners in the development process but the status of women as entrepreneur particularly in the entire North East India seems to be bleak. Although Government sponsored schemes for development of entrepreneurship in the region are in operation, geographical isolation, fragility of the existing infrastructure, scarcity of finance and micro social environment of the entrepreneurs pose formidable challenges in the path of entrepreneurship development in entire region.

It is a fact that woman in entrepreneurship is not a new concept in India. Women had taken many enterprising roles right from ancient times. History talks about many women leaders who had fared well in many spheres of life. However, women have never been regarded on the same status as their male counterparts. There is a perception that women are less capable, less entrepreneurial, or less enterprising. In fact in some conservative societies it is believed that they should not be entrepreneurs at all. Women are taken to be homemakers. In many societies around the world, there are expectations that women will be home to care for families, and therefore the burden of child care falls squarely on their shoulders.
India’s North Eastern Region can be said to be the least economically developed area of the country because of many reasons. Even if the pace of industrial and entrepreneurship development in the region is slow. However, the developmental process is going on. For the development of industrial and entrepreneurial sector in the region, many of the government agencies as well as non-governmental agencies are taking the initiative in this regard. Besides this, women in this region are very active in entrepreneurial activities.

The present book entitled ‘Women in Entrepreneurship’ is a collection of 19 research papers based on women entrepreneurship which has tried to identify some of the important issues relating to the women enterprises in North East India. Though the papers are mainly confined to the region, the findings and suggestions of the different papers shall be equally applicable to all over the country, particularly for the development of women in entrepreneurship. The editor has tried to include research papers dealing with women in entrepreneurship in micro level, which can also be widened to macro level. The findings of the papers will help policy-makers to formulate policies and programmes for the upliftment of women through entrepreneurship. At the same time, the present findings derived from the study will immensely help the various policy makers in the various states to formulate women-centric policies which can motivate and generate economic resources of the women who constitute half of the society.

About the Editor
Prof. Elangbam Nixon Singh is the Head, Department of Management, Mizoram Central University, Aizawl. He has contributed many articles and research papers in referred journals and books of social sciences, apart from presenting a number of papers at various national and international conferences. Prof. Singh has already published five books, viz., ‘Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship’, ‘Industrial Sickness in Manipur-Causes and Remedies’, ‘Savings and Investment in Rural India’, ‘Entrepreneurship for Economic Development’ and ‘Women Entrepreneurship in Northeast India: Issues and Challenges’. He has successfully completed and submitted 3 (three) Major Research Projects reports under the funding of ICSSR, New Delhi (2) and UGC, New Delhi (1).
At present, he is an Associate Editor of ‘Management Convergence’, an international journal of management, published by the Department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl. His areas of interest are Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, Finance and Accounting.

Fundamentals of Microbiology

Title :  Fundamentals of Microbiology Authors: Saikat Mukherjee & Senjam Sunil Singh ISBN: 978-81-941226-7-8 First Edition: 2025 Binding...