Thursday, 8 August 2019

Library And Information Science Education In India

Title: Library And Information Science Education In India
Author: Bobby Phuritsabam
ISBN: 978-81-933788-2-3
Language: English
First Edition: 2018
Binding: Hard Cover
Price: Rs. 859/-

About the Book:
The foundation of library and Information Science Education in India was laid in 1911 when WA Borden, an American trained librarian started a short training programmed at Baroda under the Patronage of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad to create manpower for organizing newly established libraries in the princely state of Baroda. The more systematic training programme was initiated by Asa Don Dickenson at Punjab University, Lahore (now in Pakistan). Madras library association conducted summer schools of three months duration for college librarians in 1928-30. Later on, the University of Madras started a full time Diploma Course for the first time in India in 1931. Andhra University and Bengal Library Association started training programme for librarians in 1935. The Imperial Library (now National Library), Kolkata conducted a training course leading to diploma in librarianship in 1935, which was continued till 1945. The first independent Department of Library Science was started in 1945 at the University of Delhi.

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