Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Oil & Gas PSUs of North East

Title: Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Oil & Gas PSUs of North East
Author: Bidhu Kanti Das
ISBN: 978-93-82395-63-8
First Edition: 2014
Language: English
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Author:
Dr. Bidhu Kanti Das (Ph.D), MBA, M.Com, PGDIBO, is currently working as Assistant Professor at Department of Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl. He has a teaching experience of more than 8 years and 2½ year in industry. His area of Research Interest includes Corporate Social Responsibility, International Business, and Modern Management. He has published 3 Articles in International/National Journal; and written Six Chapters in Books. He attended approximately 20 national & international Seminars and presented a paper.

About the Book:
The term corporate social responsibility (CSR) signifies that since business, on the whole, derive their existence and continuity from the society and its environment, they must have some obligations to discharge some social responsibilities for the benefit of the society and its constituents in general and the environment with in which it operates in particular. As a result, it is the obligation of Business to undertake actions that preserve, promote and cause to promote and improve the welfare of the society, in the one hand, and meet the requirements of the sustainability of environment from where business draw the sinews of their operation, on the other along with their own concern for generating surplus for their economic survival. Thus, a business under corporate social responsibility has got the responsibility both to organization and society. The study of the corporate social responsibility of business, here we made an attempt to get information for understanding how tacitly and intelligently keeping their economic and technical objective in mind is and has been responding to the betterment and well being of the society that “restrains individual and corporate behavior from ultimately destructive activities, no matter how immediately profitable, and leads in the direction of positive contribution to human betterment”.

The purpose of this book is to analyze the underlying logic of and empirical evidence from corporate houses for corporate social responsibility. To do this, it critically examined conceptual and empirical literature on CSR in general. Additionally, it performed an empirical study with data from corporate bodies in the field of oil and gas sector from Tripura and Assam, also view of general people were taken from these two states to test conceptually driven objectives and to gain insights into the empirical relation of corporate social responsibility performance.

Today’s heightened interest in the proper role of business in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity of the environmental and ethical issues. Issues like environmental damage, improper treatment of natural resources, political alignment by organizations, faulty production and marketing system leading to customer inconvenience or danger, are highlighted in the media. In some countries, Government regulation regarding extractive industry, environment, social issues and multinational companies has increased, and standards and laws are also often set at a supranational level. This leads to investors and investment fund managers have began to take account of corporation’s CSR policy in making investment decisions. Some consumers have become increasingly sensitive to the CSR performance of the companies from which they buy their goods and services. These trends have contributed to the pressure on companies to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable way. 

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