Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Maring Tribe of Manipur: An Anthropological Study

Title: The Maring Tribe of Manipur: An Anthropological Study 
Author: Naorem Jibit Meitei

Foreword: M. Nimai Singh, Chairman, National Research Centre, Manipur
ISBN: 978-93-82395-78-2
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2015
Language: English 
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book:
This book has a comprehensive ethnographic background of the Maring ethnic group of Manipur. It is very valuable to the Maring people who take more interest in their indigenous culture and many academicians who study tribal life and their cultures etc. Manipur is a land of several ethnic people who have their own cultures and traditions. Their ethnic identities vary at the micro level in such characteristics of names of persons, names of clans, village formation, village administration, cultural festivals, traditional dresses and dances, folk songs, traditional house, tools and weapons, musical instruments etc. The enchanting hills of Manipur are the inhabitants of tribal people (chingmee) and valley are inhabited by non-tribal people (Tammee). The chingmee (hill people) includes Naka and Kuki and Tammees are Meetei/Meitei and Meitei Pangals. All the ethnic groups interdependently live in the nine districts of Manipur. However, some tribal people live as major group while some are as minor or small pockets in the nine districts. Even a single district is not reserved for a particular ethnic group though they pursue their ethnic identities along with corresponding territory. The present book describes about the cultural entities of the Maring community. An attempt has been made to convince the vanishing material and non-material cultures to the younger generations though they are influenced by western modelled-values. It also presents the physical characteristics of the Maring ethnic people on the basis of field work besides socio-cultural entities.

About the Author:
Naorem Jibit Meitei graduated in Anthropology from D.M. College of Science, Imphal, took his M.Sc. in Anthropology (specialisation in Physical Anthropology) and his Ph.D. degree from the Manipur University, Canchipur. He has published some research papers in Frontier Anthropology 1, 2012; The Orient Vision, IV (II), 2007 and X (I), 2013, Anthropologist 17 (2), 2014 etc. 

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