Tuesday, 24 October 2017

The Great Gatsby

Title: The Great Gatsby
Author: F Scott Fitzgerald
ISBN: 978-93-86934-07-9
Binding: Paperback
Category: English Textbook

Tales of Two Cities

Title: Tales of Two Cities
Author: Charles Dicken
ISBN: 978-93-82395-75-1
Binding: Paperback
Category: English Textbook

The Sunken Small Boat

Title: The Sunken Small Boat [Translation]
Author: Nongmaithem Suraj Kumar
ISBN: 978-81-933788-0-9
Category: Translation/Literature
Year of Publication: 2017
Edition: 1

Adult Education and Female Literacy in Manipur

Title: Adult Education and Female Literacy in Manipur
Author: Sharmila Thingbaijam
ISBN: 978-81-933788-7-8
Year of Publication: 2017
Language: English

About the Book:
In Manipur, though the significant and positive role of adult education in development has been highlighted by various educationists, researchers, Non-Government Organizations and social leaders, a large number of adults are still illiterate and they seem to be living in a poor socio-economic condition. Adult Education programmes have been taken up in Manipur from 1960s. The programmes of Adult Education are taken up in different Blocks of Manipur as the social Education programme which gives stress on literacy, numeracy, agriculture, extension and animal husbandry, training in citizenship and youth welfare programme. From a survey of the existing Adult Education Centres in different districts of Manipur, it transpires that Adult Education programme in Manipur is being implemented very unsatisfactorily. Mere display of the enrolment figures of the Adult learners and financial expenditure on the Adult education Projects, does not employ production of literate adults and progress of the Adult Education programme in Manipur. Thereafter, there was appreciable progress under various programmes of Total Literacy Campaign (TLC), Post Literacy Programmes (PLP) and Continuing Education Programme (CEP) during Ninth & Tenth Five Year Plans period. Despite significant achievement of the Mission, illiteracy continues to be an area of National concerns as per 2001 census which had revealed that there were still thousands of illiterate adults (in age group of 15+) in the state. Whereas female literacy rate remains at an unacceptable low of 54% even though male literacy rate is over 75%. As such, National Literacy Mission had been modified and renamed Literacy Mission as National Female Literacy Mission and Literacy Programme as SAAKSHAR BHARAT MISSION (Literate India). The Government of India has sanctioned for the implementation of SBM in four districts (Viz. Chandel, Senapati, Tamenglong and Thoubal) of Manipur in the first phase where female literacy rate is below 50%. In the absence of proper encouragement and incentives from the government, the busy adults and the volunteer teachers, who are to bear responsibilities of earning bread for the family, are reluctant to go in for the literacy class and there is no proper library equipped with books of neo-literates, pamphlets, booklets, charts, etc. Now, it is necessary to evaluate the programme to ascertain whether the adult learners could react and derive from the programme and also to know physical progress of the adult education programmes so far conducted in the state. Since, it is necessary to impart proper functional skill and social awareness to the people, particularly in the productive age group of 15-35 years and above. Evaluation and monitoring of the activities of central and state governments and also of the voluntary agencies are highly necessary for future plans and follow up programmes for the successful implementation of the literacy programmes in the state.
One of the main objectives of the present book is to highlight the effectiveness of adult education programme in the state. To fulfill the main objective, the study aims:(a) To trace the development of adult education programme in the state (b)To study the plans and program of the central and state government of Manipur in respect of the goals and objectives, organizational structure and the implemental strategy of the adult education programme..(c)To study the functioning of the adult education programme in Manipur in terms of its organization, curricular activities, monitoring and evaluation, achievement of objectives and follow-up activities (d)To find out the problems and prospect of the adult education implemented in Manipur, (e)to trace the expectations of the learners and the functionaries  for the improvement of the prgramme in respect of its organization, curricular activities, monitoring and evaluation system (h)To find out suitable measures for the improvement of the adult education programmes in the state.
The present book consists of seven chapters. Chapter-I includes introduction which covered the meaning, characteristics, components, need, importance, aim and objectives of adult education. Chapter–II:  Development of Adult Education in Manipur. Chapter–III: Organization and Administration of Adult Education in Manipur. Chapter – IV: Training Methods and Materials of Adult Education. Chapter–V:  Female Literacy in Manipur. Chapter-VI: Funding Pattern of Adult Education Programme in Manipur. Chapter-VII: Problems of Adult Education in Manipur.
“Every Adult learners of Manipur should be literate and should possess the knowledge and skills necessary to compete the global economy and exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship”.
                                                             -Dr. Sharmila Thingbaijam

Premchand in Translation

Title: Premchand in Translation
Author: Gopal Sharma
ISBN: 978-81-933068-4-0
Category: Literature/ Criticism
Language: English
Year of Publication: 2017

Catholic Women Missionaries, Education and Social Change in North India

Title: Catholic Women Missionaries, Education and Social Change in North India
Author: Molly Abraham
ISBN: 978-81-933788-8-5
Language: English
Edition: 1

About the Book:

While adopting the theoretical formulations of scholars such as Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Hayden Bellenoit, Tim Allender, Krishna Kumar, and others, this work uncovers the complexity of Catholic missionary education in North India suggest how women Catholic missionary educators in a Protestant setting was able to thrive in knowledge  production transcending the spatial metaphor centre-periphery binaries. This is to suggest that the Catholic visionaries, well engaged with communities of different cultural traditions, by teaching the economically disadvantageous sections, could transcend the deeply embedded formal colonial divides of caste, class, gender and race.

Rethinking Multiculturalism: Minority Accommodation in Manipur

Title: Rethinking Multiculturalism: Minority Accommodation in Manipur
Author: Nameirakpam Bijen Meetei
ISBN:  978-81-933788-6-1
Language: English
Year of Publication: 2017
Edition: 1

About the book:
Since its emergence in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the Anglo-American world, multiculturalism has been explained and conceptualized in a variety of ways. It is also increasingly accepted as a way of fostering the essence of democracy. This is true not only for the western democracies but also for newly independent countries in the Asian or African world which opted for a democratic system of governance. Therefore, as it is being increasingly accepted there is an increasing need for judging it for there are many contexts in which institutional models created on the basis of existing theories are blindly applied without understanding contextual differences. Most of these earlier theories of multiculturalism were concerned, more or less, with the western liberal socio-political environments. In other words, the earlier works or theories of multiculturalism have been developed in the context of western democratic society with few exceptions. They try to explain the importance of diversity, the issue of discrimination of minority communities, or the problems arising out of non-recognition of cultural values in larger societies. Considering these facts, the current work attempts to study issues surrounding the existing theories of multiculturalism and its implications in terms of adequately accommodating minorities in non-western context. And, when one thinks about a non-western context which presents complex issues of ethnicity and accommodating diverse communities the case of Manipur comes up straight off. Hence, the book focuses on issues of diversity, and complexities of minority accommodation in Manipur where a complex dynamics of ethnic relationship makes it difficult to adopt existing theoretical and institutional models of multiculturalism.

Representations of Nature in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss

Title: Representations of Nature in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss
Author: Nongmaithem Suraj Kumar
ISBN: 978-93-86934-06-2
Category: Literature/Criticism
Language: English
Edition: 1

About the Book:

The introduction deals with the history of Indian writers. It deals with the life and works of the novelist, Kiran Desai. The novel, The Inheritance of Loss deals with the life struggle of the people in the hills. The natural beauties are seen. The relationship between nature and man is also shown.
The second chapter entitled, “The Scenic Sublime” deals with the area of nature and its natural elements. The wilderness refers to those elements of nature, which are difficult to travel or unlock the mysteries by man. It includes natural elements like mountains, lakes, peaks, hills, valleys, seas, oceans, birds and animals. The inter relationship between the elements of nature is shown beautifully. Nature represents supreme power and glory.
The third chapter entitled, “Domestic Picturesque” deals with the gardens and lawns. It represents all the things one could find around the house and its surroundings. The countryside includes valleys and fields. It provides the basic necessities of human beings. It shows the dependence of man on nature. Nature represents the supplier of the basic needs of the people.
The fourth chapter entitled, “Language and Style” portrays the writing skills of the novelist. She beautifully describes the natural elements and compares it to the characters. She also uses various skills and techniques of writing like flashback technique, similes and metaphors.
The last chapter entitled, “Conclusion” portrays beautifully the skills and knowledge of the novelist. It beautifully highlights the natural elements and its gifts to human beings. It represents the finding of the study.

About the Author

Dr. Nongmaithem Suraj Kumar was born as the eldest son to Nongmaithem Hemantakumar Singh and Nongmaithem (Ongbi) Rajkumari Somola Devi on 1st April, 1990 at Sagolband Nepra Menjor Leikai. He completed his Graduation in English Literature, acquired a Diploma in Communicative English from Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science (B.A.C.A.S), Coimbatore and from the same college he acquired a Masters Degree in English Language and Literature. He holds a B.Ed degree from I.G.N.O.U, Imphal and acquired a Diploma in Multilingual Office Automation (D.M.O.A) of C-DAC, GIST from North East Institute of Information Technology, Imphal. He has completed his Ph.D in English Literature from Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, Meriema.
He has published many articles through journals and books of repute. He has also published a translation book entitled “The Sunken Small Boat” in 2017 by Ruby Press & Co.

Theoretical aspects of TL and OSL: A Preliminary Approach

Title: Theoretical aspects of TL and OSL: A  Preliminary Approach
Author: Lovedy Longjam
ISBN: 978-93-86934-08-6
Year of Publication: 2017
Edition: 1
Language: English

About the Book:
The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formation and methodology involved in the development of thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescences.
Salient Features
• The different models of TL/OSL equation have been discussed.
• The isothermal and liftime equations have have been derived.
• The behaviour of the TL equation in different heating models has been analysed.
• The conversion of isothermal and OSL decay curve to pseudo TL has been discussed.
• The differences in equations have been illustrated using simulated curves.

About the Author:
Longjam Lovedy holds a degree in Physics and is a teacher, a researcher and a published author. He has published many papers in thermoluminescence and OSL which make a distinct mark in the subject. He has also published a paper on hybrid genetic algorithm. He has keen interest in microcontroller and FPGA programming and is currently engaged in making a FPGA based TL/OSL reader.

Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice

Title: Innovation Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice Editor: Oinam James ISBN:  978-81-941226-9-2 Language: English First...