Monday, 26 March 2018

Telangana Armed Struggle, Ideology & Leadership

Title: Telangana Armed Struggle: Ideology & Leadership
Author: Kandukuri Ramesh
ISBN: 978-93-86934-10-9
Language: English
Published Year: 2018
Category: Political History

About the Book:
A history is re-written in the light of new evidences. The Telangana peoples’ movement first of its kind put Marxism, Leninism and Mao’s theory was attempted into practice. The Telangana Armed Struggle continues to be centre of attention for academic pursuit and research interest due to its historical significance. The Armed Struggle shrouded into controversy due to adventurism, deviations, divisions and splits among the leadership of the movement. Ideological misinterpretation of Marxism during the struggle dwarfed its achievements and contribution. Contemporary Political polemics and the left parties at large differ and contradicts at different stages with the Ideology and militant movement of the Telangana Armed Struggle. This book explores and identifies the strength, challenges and ideals of the historic movement.

About the Author:
Dr Ramesh Kandukuri is an Academician, Scholar and Administrator. Apart from several Articles and Research papers on Education and History, he has authored two books entitled: The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience: 1934-56 and Andhra Rashtramlovamapakha Udyama Charitra. Dr. Ramesh has a scintillating chronicle in school and higher education as a Teacher, Principal and Deputy Director in Navodaya Vidyalaya Samithi, Distance Education Council, University Grants Commission and presently in Indira Gandhi National Open University. Dr Ramesh has many distinctions. He has been honored with National Award by National Literacy Mission, NCERT Award for innovative practices in Teacher Education. He has participated in Secondary Educators Programme in Japan.

Book Releasing Function:


  1. its a long awaited book.A serious academic work on leadership and the ideology of the movement. Many facts are unearthed . the research findings would lead to revisit the lessons of the movement and path to Indian revolution.

  2. P Rakesh Kumar16 June 2019 at 21:36

    The book “Telangana Armed Struggle: Ideology & Leadership” is altogether a new interpretation in unknown dimension of the Historic struggle of the people of Telangana the erstwhile part of Nizam's Hyderabad State. The new facts explored from the Russian Archives about the factors that compelled the communist party for the withdrawal of the moment is commendable. This book helps the new generation to understand the history of Telangana Armed Struggle (946-51)".

  3. Congratulations to author and publishDr... for yet another pioneering attempt pouring light on to the political history of Telengana

  4. This book is about “Telangana Armed struggle” that was fought against forced labour, Nizam's Rule and Nehru regime by the people of Telangana continues to be centre of attention for people of Telangana, due to its historical significance. The Author Dr. Kandukuri Ramesh hailing from the generation of those who directly participated in the struggle vividly narrated the movement in episodes with historical facts. I feel that this book is an essential reference to students who are pursuing competitive exams in general and scholars in particular.

  5. Best Wishes on this earnest endeavour.....

    1. The book is available in Amazon with reasonable discount

  6. This is another version of writer's idea, thought as well as different perspective on Telangana's armed struggle to achieve identity. Kudos to the writer.

  7. I appreciate the author for exploring the ignored lives of rural families who were crushed under the iron clutches of the feudal system of Telangana.


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