Thursday, 12 December 2013

Automobile Industry in India: A Cluster Approach

Title: Automobile Industry in India: A Cluster Approach
Author: Sadanand Gupta, JNU 
ISBN 987-81-922182-6-7
Publisher: Ruby Press & Co.
First Edition: 2013
Price: Rs. 995/-
Language: English
Binding: Hard Cover

About the Book :

There is no integrated and holistic study on the automobile industry in India.  Prior to this book there is no book which presents a detailed account of the industry at four digit level as well as unit level analysis. In addition to this, all previous studies have mostly concentrated on the economic indicators of the industry, whereas this study combines various approaches of cluster analysis e.g., public policy, backward and forward linkages, cluster development, geographical, historical, political, economic, etc., factors of automobile clusterisation in India. The book has been written on the light of sound methodological background and rational analysis of facts. Therefore author thinks that this book would be useful for almost all automobile manufacturing firms, academicians working on industrial economics, researchers, libraries, journalists, corporate bodies, etc.

Virtually no systematic studies exist on the spatial dimension of the automobile clusters and its historical development in India. This book focuses on the automobile clusters in India for several reasons. First, the automobile industry, because of its large backward and forward linkages, greatly influences the pattern of economic development in almost every country and every region that produces automobiles. Second, the automobile sector has grown rapidly since the 1980’s to become one of India’s leading manufacturing sectors. Third, different automobile clusters, while operating in the same industry in the same country, exhibit very different patterns of agglomeration and thus allow me to examine and contrast the factors that have led to the differential growth of these clusters.

About the Author:

Sadanand Gupta was born and brought up in a village of Gorakhpur District of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Gupta has completed his M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. from the Centre for Study of Regional Development (CSRD), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Presently he is associated with Centre for Political Studies, JNU, New Delhi. Having a high degree of commitment to teaching and research, Dr. Gupta has an unparallel ability to adopt multi-dimensional approach in social science research. His areas of research interest are Regional Development and Planning; Social Science Research Methods; Planning and Public Policy; Environment and Development; Social Inclusion and Exclusion; Cluster Development; Infrastructure Developments, etc.

Dr. Gupta has written scholarly articles on the variety of issues in national and international journals, newspapers, magazines as well as in the edited volumes. He is well known for his empirical research analysis and policy outlook.

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