Thursday, 12 December 2013

Trust Deficit in the Largest Democratic Country: A Study on Civil Society and Governance in Manipur

Title: Trust Deficit in the Largest Democratic Country: A Study on Civil Society and Governance in Manipur
Author: Dr. Dhanabir Laishram
ISBN: 978-93-82395-13-3
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2013

About the Author:
Dr. Dhanabir Laishram is a Guest Faculty Member, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) (Regional Centre Manipur). He is working as an Associate Professor in Regional College and former Guest Faculty Member, Dept. of Political Science, Manipur University. He, born in 1954, hails from the unique village of Thongju in Manipur.

He has travelled widely. In 1977 he participated in the Working Groups for Indigenous People at the United Nations in Geneva. He participated in the working groups again in 1999 and 2000. He got ESPERANTO learning in 2001 in Netherlands. He went to Thailand in 2001 and Shan states in Myanmar in 2005 to study genesis of Tai people. He is a member of Universal Esperanto Association, Netherlands. He was also one of the members of NEPI (North East People Initiative).

Dr. Dhanabir Laishram has published seven books and several articles on various aspects of North East India in national and international journals. He is also very popular permanent columnist of "The Poknapham" and "The People's Chronicle."

About the Book:
Governments have come and Governments have gone in these sixty-seven years. All of them talked about food security, poverty elimination and more employment. But in India more than two lakhs fifty thousand farmers were committed suicide since 1991. As we know that Manipur is very small state having nearly 27 lakhs of population, but very difficult to understand. It is really fail state. Even from political theory, one can identify it as fragile state because it has full of negative indices such as: Electoral rigging and irregularities, protest demonstration by use of violence, anomic disturbances under-ground activities and armed attacks, political defections for selfish gains (before Anti Defection Bill was passed), fragmentation of political parties, suppression of dissent, Idolisation of the rulers, glorification of the official ideology, political assassinations, politicisation of the armed forces, commitment of public services to the line of ruling party, wide corruption and maladministration, concentration of powers, mass killing and large scale migration of both internal and external.

These are because of failure of administration and not having good governance. The administrators both permanent and political executive are heeding to bring development of state without development of their administration. It would also be one of the important factors of the causes of political violence in Manipur. Now the pertinent question is how it had been happened and deeply rooted to the administrative units of Manipur. The answer should be, these are coming from political environment, in which whether people are really possess the participant political culture or parochial in character. In short civil society could not control the political society instead they are in the trap of depoliticisation in this neo-liberalism. On the other hand people of valley possess mixture of both participant and subjective political culture while hill people associate with mixture of participant and parochial political culture.

Basically, political environment is the demands of the people which should be channelized through political communications like mass media, political parties and pressure groups. It should come to polity after checked by the political debate in between ruling elites and opposition parties, mainly best parliamentarians. Then it will be discussed in the house and finally made decision. It becomes the input and fall again to political environment. In short the people are working as attentive public in the political environment, which has to work in the political system. Political actor means having interaction and reaction with the existing system. But in democratic system if the people are not attentive and working as good actors the dream of good governance will be a far cry because success leis to partnership with civil society. So the third way (CSO) has to play an important role along with state and market in governance and development. The major question is that how far it could be possible in democratic institution without democratic politics or social democracy.

Viewed politically then, New Economic Policy (LPG) in India is likely to appear different from what it does within traditional government and dichotomy of civil society as unsuccessful partnership. The present study is one of such kind to attempt the short fault of it particularly in Manipur, which is being beset many vexed problems. It is descriptive and analytical type of research work. It needs to be taken for how it is happened: exploratory in nature and tentative in conclusion. However, the study is an attempt at a departure of a major kind. If the issues that have come up in the course of the study are taken up, contested and carried forward by greater minds, its objective will be fulfilled.

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