Thursday, 12 December 2013

Non-Traditional Security in International Relations: Illicit Drug Trafficking and Narco-Terrorism in East and South East Asia

Title: Non-Traditional Security in International Relations: Illicit Drug Trafficking and Narco-Terrorism in East and South East Asia
Author: Dr. Ningthoujam Koiremba Singh
Foreword: Prof. Anand P. Mavalankar, Department of Political Science, M.S. University, Baroda
ISBN: 978-93-82395-00-3
First Edition: 2013

About The Author
Dr Ningthoujam Koiremba Singh (M.A. Political Science, Ph.D) is Assistant Professor, Political Science (School of Law) Christ University Hosur Road, Bangalore - 560029 Karnataka. His work experiences include Visiting Lecturer, Law Faculty in The Maharaja Sayajirao (University of Baroda, Vadodara) from February 2011 to September 2011; Faculty Member in M.S. University Baroda “Indian Foreign Policy Analysis” in T.Y.B.A. and “International Relations” in S.Y.B.A. from June 2009 to April 2010; Faculty Member in M.S. University Baroda “International Relations Theory” in M.A. with especial reference to contemporary international relation in Environment, Green Politics, Human Rights from June 2008 to April 2009, etc.

About The Book
To understand the concept of non-traditional security threats especially illicit drug trafficking and narco-terrorism, this book heavily depends on secondary sources and available literature in this regard. Furthermore, in order to lend clarity to the study it adopts the case study method by restricting the study to the analysis of three countries. The most widely accepted as well as the conventional research techniques are not easily applicable to the research on terrorism and drug trafficking. For instance, field research, surveys, and personal interviews are difficult due to the dangerous and secretive nature of the subject-matter. Therefore, the methodological problems that hinder any studies that focus on politically infected and structurally inconsistent subjects are also common to this book. 

The concepts of narco-terrorism, illicit drug trafficking and terrorism are more difficult to research in comparison to many other social science issues. Because of this dilemma, very few courageous journalists and academicians have been able to visit such areas and conduct field research to collect data on these issues. Therefore, unlike social surveys it is very difficult to undertake a particular methodology for addressing such issues. However, this cannot be used as an excuse for not adopting any research methodology but effort has been made in the direction of adopting certain scientific methods. Moreover, the analysis of the book is further complicated with the non-availability of reliable data.

Data on Illicit drug trafficking and narco-terrorism is practically nonexistent due to the illegal, clandestine and political nature of the phenomenon. We have dependent on secondary data – books, journals, newspapers and websites. The Governmental institutions; such as The Drug Enforcement Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation, such agencies which are created to combat drug problem usually collect and organize a great deal of useful and reasonably reliable data.

There are also international organizations that possess massive amounts of valuable information on the drug phenomenon. Most prominent among these international organizations are the United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP), the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), Interpol, the World Health Organization and the World Customs Organization. There are also nongovernmental organizations and independent institutes that are engaged in drug related research, including the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction.

Among these sources, for the purpose of this book, UNDCP and INCB data is preferred. Data on terrorism, on the other hand, is more qualitative than quantitative. In fact, books and articles on terrorism frequently have plainly evident biases. Moreover, unlike the drug issue, there is no active international organization that may be used as a source of neutral data. However, there are a few national administrations that have valuable data on the issue. Nevertheless, it may not be easy to obtain such information from these national administrations. Most importantly, an enormous amount of scholarly thought on terrorism exists, providing precious information and intellectual explanations of terrorism.

Similarly, regarding narco-terrorism, there is a great difficulty finding valid sources on the drug-terrorism\insurgency nexus. Because of the political nature of the problem, highest care has been taken regarding the selection of sources. To avoid bias, a cross validation of the literature has been attempted by checking the allegations made in one work with several other sources. This process requires the use of a broad selection of sources, a feat that has been attempted in spite of an extreme deficiency of sources. This book is also based on analyzing existing literature particularly secondary data.

Overall this book draws from both primary and secondary sources relating to non traditional security threats in international relation study and shall also employ both quantitative and qualitative methods wherever possible. Furthermore, much of the data collected are from secondary source that is from writings in various books, journals and newspaper. The method of content analysis is also adopted to draw out inferences to pertaining non-traditional security threats.

Book Releasing:
Author's Brief Note

Professor Amar Yumnam, Launching the book

Dr. Dhanabir Laishram, giving Keynote Address

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