Sunday, 29 December 2013

India's Foreign Policy in the Contemporary Era

Title:  India's Foreign Policy in the Contemporary Era
Editors: Dr. N. Surjitkumar, Dr. Ng. Ngalengna, & Dr. Soihiamlung Dangmei
ISBN: 978-93-82395-22-5
First Edition: 2016
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English
Category: Political Science
Price: Rs.950/-

About the Editors: 
Dr. N. Surjitkumar is an Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus, Manipur. He received his Doctoral Degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and specializes in International Relations and India’s Foreign Policy. He has earlier taught at Dayal Singh College and Zakir Husain College, University of Delhi. He was also former Visiting Scholar at University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. He was former Director i/c, IGNTU-RCM. He has been actively participating and organizing International and National Seminars. 
Dr. Ng. Ngalengnam is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus, Manipur. Before joining the University, he taught at Pettigrew College, Ukhrul, Manipur. He received his Doctoral Degree from Manipur University, Imphal and specializes in Indian Government and Politics and Regional Studies. He has participated in various International and National Seminars and contributed articles in various journals. 
Dr. Soihiamlung Dangmei is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus, Manipur. He received his Doctoral Degree from Centre for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is also the Co-ordinator of the Department of Tribal Studies, IGNTU-RCM. His area of specialisation is Political Philosophy, Political Theory and Tribal Studies in the Northeast India. 

About the Book: 
One remarkable feature of India’s foreign policy since independence is its continuity and constancy. This feature is rooted in Nehru heritage that governments since Nehru era (1947-64) claimed to be adhering to. Although, since the Narasimha Rao government came to power in the middle of the 1991, there seems to be a tendency to depart from that heritage. Of course, no one can reasonably claim that Nehru heritage continues to be relevant in all respects in the changing international and domestic political-economic framework. India continues to maintain the rest of the package of the Nehru heritage—Non-alignment, maintenance of world peace and security, peaceful settlement of disputes, peaceful co-existence of the nations of the diverse ideologies and economic development of under-developed countries with international assistance. Hence, we can see a continuity and constancy in India’s foreign policy.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Great Britain and the American Civil War

Title: Great Britain and the American Civil War
Author: Ephraim Douglass Adams
ISBN: 978-93-82395-36-2
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English
Releasing: 2015

Thursday, 12 December 2013

The Anti-Slavery Crusade: A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm

Title: An Anti-Slavery Crusade: A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm
Author: Jesse Macy
ISBN: 978-93-82395-23-2
Releasing: 2015
Language: English
Category: History

About the Author:
Jesse Macy (June 21, 1842 – November 2, 1919), born into a family of Midwest abolitionists and a Quaker noncombatant during the Civil War, was an American political scientist and historian of the late 19th and early 20th century, specializing in the history of American political parties, party systems, and the Civil War. He spent most of his professional career at his alma mater, Grinnell College.

About the Book:
Jesse Macy  grew up to become a respected historian and political scientist, and he brings his unusual perspective on slavery and abolition in America to this concise, clear-headed book. From an expurgated tidbit condemning slavery in an early draft of the Declaration of Independence to the particular power of women in the antislavery movement, this book is a brief but devastating argument about hypocrisy, democracy, and freedom in America in the mid-19th century.

The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience: 1934-’56

Title: The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience: 1934-’56
Author: Dr. Kandukuri Ramesh
ISBN: 978-93-82395-27-0
Foreword: Prof. Adapa Satyanarayana (Retd), Department of History, Osmania University, Hyderabad; & Sitaram Yechury, CPI(M) Politburo Member, M.P. (Rajya Sabha)
First Edition: 2014
Binding: Hard Cover
Category: History

About the Author:
Dr. Ramesh Kandukuri has M.A. History, M. Phil., PhD., M.A. English, M. Ed., M. Sc. Psychology, PGDHR. He is Deputy Director in University Grants Commission, New Delhi. His research interests are Modern Indian History and Education. His experiences, apart from being a popular teacher in history include Principal in Central Govt. run Navodaya Schools. He has worked in various states in India visited Japan on Secondary Educators study programme. He has been conferred with National awards such as: National Literacy Mission Award and NCERT Award for Innovative practices in Classroom Teaching and commendations for his bold and successful schooling and Administrative initiatives. He has Published, dozen Research Papers and Articles in National and International Journals and News Papers.

About the Book
Why and how the then Left Movement got into deep roads in Andhra (present residuary Andhra Pradesh State/erstwhile part of Madras Presidency) during 1930s-50s and how young Andhrites got attracted towards Communist ideology is a subject matter of academic interest. The main thrust of the book is on the objectives, ideological and political hegemony of the Leftist parties, their programmes and tactics both within and outside the National Liberation Movement in modern Andhra during 1934-1956. This book unfolds multiple movements of anti-feudalism and anti-imperialism. This book of about 320 pages consisting of eight chapters, select bibliography and index is an elaborate account of the various facets of the Left Movement in Andhra and thus a welcome addition to the growing literature of the history of people’s movement from a subaltern perspective.

In this book, the author, Dr Kandukuri Ramesh has provided a critical account of the theory and practice of the Leftist parties on the basis of published and unpublished Government reports as well as Communist Party papers/documents. His analysis is quite balanced and objective, as it was based on a critical yet sympathetic approach adopted in analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the Communist Movement in Andhra during the period 1934-1956. It is concluded that, the historic contribution of the Andhra Left was possible because of the hard work, devotion, sincerity, commitment, and sacrificing nature of the rank and file of the Communist Party. The Andhra Provincial Communist Party was a pioneer in the radicalization of ideology and building a sustained movement against feudalism, capitalism and colonialism. It is understood that “The Communists’ dedication, initiatives and tremendous energy in building its front organizations such as trade unions, students and youth organizations, peasant movements, cultural squads, literary unions were phenomenal and unparallel”. The author has set out to critically evaluate the gains and failures of the Leftist ideology, strategies, tactics forms of struggle, leadership and so on.

In the opinion of the scholar, the major weaknesses and failure of the party in Andhra was due to the factors like: incompatible ideologies, mismatching political goals, conflicting methods, divisions and fractions within the party, blind anti-Congress policies, robotic ideology, democratic centralism, prejudice and intolerance to dissent, lack of consensus, lack of functional autonomy, desertion of intellectuals, individual differences and the upper caste/class leadership, and lack of Left unity.

Andhra Communists had left Legacy of sterling values by instituting lofty ethics in public life, remained backbone of toiling classes, and champions of radical thinking yet love for identity.

Book Releasing Photos:
The book releasing function of "The Left Legacy: The Andhra Experience 1934-56" on 31st March, 2014

Venue: Sundarayya Vigyana Kendram, Bagh Lingampally, Hyderabad

Inclusion of Children with Special Needs: A Perspective

Title: Inclusion of Children with Special Needs: A Perspective
Author: Praseetha Unnikrishnan
ISBN: 978-93-82395-26-3
First Edition: 2015
Binding: Hard Cover
Language: English

About the Author:
Dr. Praseetha Unnikrishnan is an avid researcher having deep interest in the field of disability and research work. She is a Gold Medalist in Master of Labour Welfare (MLW) from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and Master of Social Work (MSW) from IGNOU, Delhi. She is also a recipient of citation from Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad for being topper in M. Phil. (Social Work). She has done her PhD from the Department of Social Work, University of Delhi, with JRF/ SRF scholarship from UGC.
Her doctoral work has been published as a book entitled ‘Mainstreaming Children with Visual Impairment – A Paradigm’ sponsored by ICSSR and published by Anmol Publications, New Delhi. Besides this Mittal Publications has published a book co-authored by her on adjustment behaviour of Adolescents titled Turbulent Teens - Approaches towards adjustment. She has also published few papers including two papers exclusively dedicated to disability studies in National and International accredited journals. The present book is based on her M. Phil. work on issues pertaining to educating children with disability with an inclusive approach.
She has rich experience in the field of Open and Distance Learning and has worked with the erstwhile Distance Education Council of IGNOU and the Distance Education Bureau of UGC in the capacity of Assistant Director. Presently she is working as an Assistant Director in IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi.

About the Book:
In India, after Independence, the Country has witnessed a phenomenal increase in Educational opportunities for the persons with disability. Although Special education system has done pioneering work in the field of education of children with disability, it is faced with various problems. Most of these Special schools are run by NGOs with assistance from Central and State Governments. Further the infrastructure which is available for education in its present form would not be able to take care even of the annual addition to the educable age-group.  Also by being in a Special school, children live in secluded and sheltered environment which may create problems in social adjustment later on. Apart from the social and psychological advantages offered by the placement of handicapped children in an ordinary school, this appears to be most effective way of providing educational opportunities for Children with Disabilities in large numbers (Mohsini and Gandhi et al; 1982:2-4). Thus the post-independence developments marked the birth of ‘Integrated Education’ and a new era in granting ‘equality status’ to the disabled in India.

The current scenario of  persons with disability and Integrated Education including the study of various Historical and Policy developments have thrown light on the number of problems faced by persons with special needs especially in an integrated setup in India. The Policy developments speak a gamut about the various achievements in the field of welfare and development of the disabled. Though many State Governments have started implementing the Welfare schemes with good intentions, implementation aspect of any worthwhile scheme demands a genuine concern for the  cause, of all those for whom the policies and schemes were targeted. 

The book has been a sincere effort to present a real picture of the actual situations in which the beneficiaries are receiving the benefits under IEDC scheme and the improvements observed therein. The book has shown that though many things appear on paper the reality seems to tell a different story. Also regarding the type of education for the disabled though much has been written and debated on this aspect it can only be said that the schools whether ‘integrated’ or ‘inclusive’ should respond to the needs of the Children with Disabilities wherever they are. 

Private Hospital Management in India: A Strategic Perspective

Title: Private Hospital Management in India: A Strategic Perspective
Author: Rajkumar Giridhari Singh 
Foreword: Prof. Nikhil Bhusan Dey, M.Com, LL.B, PhD, FICA, Professor, Dept. of Commerce, M.G. School of Economics, Assam University, Silchar
ISBN: 978-93-82395-28-7
Binding: Hard Cover
First Edition: 2014

About the Author:
Dr Rajkumar Giridhari Singh holds a PhD in Commerce from Manipur University. He did his Post graduate in M.Com (Business Management) from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He is currently serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Management, Mizoram University. He has a teaching experience of more than six years to MBA students. He taught courses like Strategic Management, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. His research paper has been published in international and national journals like Indian Journal of Commerce and Management, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, Management Convergence, Kangleipak Businesss Review, etc. Prior to his joining in Mizoram University he had worked in organization like the Oberoi Rajvilas, Jaipur, The Trident Hilton, Gurgaon and Shija Hospitals and Research Institute, Langol, Imphal.

About the Book:
The present book is a study to explore the pattern of hospital management and services provided by the private hospitals in India. The study has undertaken an appraisal of the hospitals. The book took a look at the health care environment of India to identify the various constituent of external and internal environments including the perception of employees and customers of the hospitals which impart the formulation and adoption of strategic management in hospitals. The study found some of the hospitals do not have business orientation and therefore do not have business policies for expanding their business activity. The author observes the need to formalise and strengthen the processes of formulation and implementation of policies and strategies for expansion of the services by the private hospitals. This book can help policymakers and strategists to understand the stakeholder’s perception on the functioning of the hospitals.

Critical Days of Manipur: A Study on Burning Issues and Problems

Title: Critical Days of Manipur: A Study on Burning Issues and Problems
Author: Dr. Dhanabir Laishram & Urikhinbam Nobokishore
ISBN: 978-93-82395-35-5
First Edition: 2014
Language: English 
Binding: Hard Cover

About The Author(s):
Dr. Dhanabir Laishram is a Guest Faculty Member, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) (Regional Centre Manipur). He is working as an Associate Professor in Regional College and former Guest Faculty Member, Dept. of Political Science, Manipur University. He, born in 1954, hails from the unique village of Thongju in Manipur.

He has travelled widely. In 1977 he participated in the Working Groups for Indigenous People at the United Nations in Geneva. He participated in the working groups again in 1999 and 2000. He got ESPERANTO learning in 2001 in Netherlands. He went to Thailand in 2001 and Shan states in Myanmar in 2005 to study genesis of Tai people. He is a member of Universal Esperanto Association, Netherlands. He was also one of the members of NEPI (North East People Initiative).

Dr. Dhanabir Laishram has published seven books and several articles on various aspects of North East India in national and international journals. He is also very popular permanent columnist of "The Poknapham" and "The People's Chronicle."

Urikhimbam Nobokishore was born in 1963 in Manipur. He started his school from Canchipur High School and completed his M.A (Social Work) from Indore School of Social Work, Indore in 1984. He started his NGO career since 1984 in an organization call Citizen Volunteers Training (CVTC), Imphal. He completed his management course from Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Makati, Philippine in 1995. He was trained as a trainer on Local Capacity for Peace (LCP) by Mrs. Merry B. Anderson, Boston and Mr. Wolfgang Heinarich of Germany in 1997. He is a LCP trainer in South Asia and South East Asia. He also completed his specialize course on Responding to Conflict from Woodbrook, UK in 2005. Since then he work extensively for long term sustainable peace building and human rights. He is actively engaged with Government of India and UN for security sector reform in India.

About the Book:
Manipur, easternmost border state of India, is a place of paradox where despite more than half a century of unrest marked by armed conflict of differing degree sometimes high and sometimes of low intensities, it has continuously produces sports person of high caliber. Despite the “conflict situation” our cultural troops continue to awe people in abroad. It is a place of bandh and economic blockade. These are called by both armed and unarmed groups. Such economy blockades were done by the hill people so often. The people of Manipur are yet to find a solution to the ever growing gap between the inhabitants of the hill and plains. Our government stands accused of being biased in its policy towards the tribal inhabitants of the state. Delhi is also heeding to play politricks of divide and rule policy in between hill and plain people. Why has this government not put into practice with full energy for ending the conflict that has cost thousands of lives. The conflict is at its lower ebb but by no means it’s over. With the government not looking for a long term solution this flash in the pan will be a memory and the people of this state will continue to live life in a dividing line not knowing whether they are living in times of peace or war-for in Manipur. It seems the two exist together.

Book Releasing Photos:

A Preliminary Approach on External Beam Radiotherapy and Phosphor based Cancer Therapy

  Title:  A Preliminary Approach on External Beam Radiotherapy and Phosphor based Cancer Therapy Authors:  L. Lovedy Singh & S. Nabadwip...